Monday, November 9, 2009

Cross Country Word Book ~ A VERY SPECIAL PROJECT!

This book is special for many reasons:

My daughter ran Cross Country for the first time this fall. She just started middle school and most 6th graders run the 2000. She ran it twice and then started running the 3000 (the only 6th grader in the school to do it). She really improved her time with the last time the best! That is SPECIAL!

Another reason it is special is because my sister told me that she had made a "BABY" word book and she sent me pictures of it. It was totally cool and I loved it so I got thinking about word books.

My sister flew (and drove) from Texas to Idaho to visit my parents. I went to visit her there (I'm from Oregon). She had just purchased a Gypsy and she brought her Gypsy loaded with all her cartridges. I brought my cricut and paper and chipboard! We made 2 of these books in about 3 hours with her Gypsy and my cricut (it is George shape welded to Base Camp font). This was so much fun and I brought my Bind It All (still in the box) and she showed me how to use it! Another SPECIAL thing to make it with your sister!

When I got home, I just had to have a Gypsy! You see if it wasn't for Teresa, I wouldn't even have a cricut. I see her, she shows me what to do, and then I buy it! It is the coolest thing because she shows me what to do! That is SPECIAL too because I don't have to read a lot of instructions!

When I got home, I put pictures, dates, times, etc. in and this is the finished product! I absolutely love how it turned out! The patterned papers and ribbon are American Crafts.

Thank you Teresa for all your help with this!

1 comment:

Scrappin' T said...

Wow! This turned out really awesome! I am so happy that you LOVE your Cricut & Gypsy (who wouldn't???). I had a lot of fun, too!!!